2023年3月13日 星期一

Oracle EBS結帳區間判斷SQL

 From: http://arthur-work.blogspot.com/2020/02/oracle-ebs-invsql.html

Oracle EBS: 用於查詢INV期間是否關閉之SQL

SELECT * FROM all_objects WHERE object_name='ORG_ACCT_PERIODS'

SELECT ood.organization_id "Organization ID" ,

ood.organization_code "Organization Code" ,

ood.organization_name "Organization Name" ,

oap.period_name "Period Name" ,

oap.period_start_date "Start Date" ,

oap.period_close_date "Closed Date" ,

oap.schedule_close_date "Scheduled Close" ,

DECODE(oap.open_flag, 'P','P - Period Close is processing' ,

'N','N - Period Close process is completed' ,

'Y','Y - Period is open if Closed Date is NULL' ,'Unknown') "Period Status"

FROM org_acct_periods oap ,

org_organization_definitions ood

WHERE oap.organization_id = ood.organization_id

AND (TRUNC(SYSDATE) -- Comment line if a a date other than SYSDATE is being tested.

--AND ('01-DEC-2014' -- Uncomment line if a date other than SYSDATE is being tested.

BETWEEN TRUNC(oap.period_start_date) AND TRUNC (oap.schedule_close_date))

ORDER BY ood.organization_id,


-- If Period Status is 'Y' and Closed Date is not NULL then the closing of the INV period failed.